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Opposition News

июнь 25, 2003 | Opposition News

Opposition News

* Pressure group demands punishment of Armenia * The Qarabag Liberation Organization (QLO) was incensed at the action program submitted by the newly established coalition government of Armenia to parliament last week. The point is that under the program Upper Qarabag is to be included in the budget of Armenia, while a special paragraph underlines "Upper Qarabag will be never given to Azerbaijan". The QLO has issued a statement regarding the issue. The statement regrets that international organi...... полностью
март 20, 2003 | Opposition News

Opposition News

Opposition willing to discuss new initiatives on Electoral Code The Coordinating Center of the Opposition (CCO) held a meeting at the Civil Solidarity Party's office on Thursday. Following the meeting, the party chairman, MP Sabir Rustamxanli said that party leaders had discussed talks over the draft Electoral Code conducted between government and opposition representatives Sahin Aliyev and Fuad Agayev on March 6 and 11. Commenting on the talks, he said the government retained full control an...... полностью
март 12, 2003 | Opposition News

Opposition News

French embassy picket * The Muasir Musavat Party's board held its next meeting on March 5. During the meeting it was decided to picket the French embassy in Azerbaijan on March 12 at 15:00 to protest against the French stance in favor of Armenians in the settlement of the Upper Qarabag conflict, the party has informed AssA-Irada. According to the report, in the future, similar events will be organized outside the Russian and US embassies in Azerbaijan as well. Protesters came out in support of...... полностью
февраль 11, 2003 | Opposition News

Opposition News

Peter Burkhard meets with leaders of CCO parties * At a meeting on Monday with chairmen of political parties represented in the Coordinating Center of the Opposition (CCO), head of the OSCE Baku office, Peter Burkhard, said he was keen to bring the Electoral Code into conformity with international standards and consider suggestions from opposition political parties while preparing the document. He suggested that an opposition representative should attend discussions of the Electoral Code in Stra...... полностью
январь 29, 2003 | Opposition News

Opposition News

aвтор: Compiled by Firuza Baymammadq
* Rally urges authorities to allow former speaker return home * The Azerbaijani Democratic Party (ADP) held a rally outside the Qalaba cinema Saturday. Thousands of people attended the rally demanded the former speaker, exile Rasul Quliyev, the ADP chairman, be allowed to return to the country, the preventive punishment and lawsuit against him be repealed, incumbent President Heydar Aliyev resign and free and just elections be held. * Rasul Quliyev is accused of participation in coup attempt an...... полностью
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