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Все записи | Opposition News
среда, январь 29, 2003

Opposition News

aвтор: Compiled by Firuza Baymammadq

Rally urges authorities to allow former speaker return home
The Azerbaijani Democratic Party (ADP) held a rally outside the Qalaba cinema Saturday. Thousands of people attended the rally demanded the former speaker, exile Rasul Quliyev, the ADP chairman, be allowed to return to the country, the preventive punishment and lawsuit against him be repealed, incumbent President Heydar Aliyev resign and free and just elections be held.
Rasul Quliyev is accused of participation in coup attempt and massive embezzlement of pubic funds.
No incident was reported at the rally that had been sanctioned by Baku Mayor's office.

EU ambassadors mediate government-opposition meeting
The Coordinating Center of the Opposition (CCO) held a meeting on Friday to discuss a letter sent by the Greek ambassador to the chairmen of parties included in the center. 
Following the meeting, chairman of the National Independence Party Etibat Mammadov told journalists that EU ambassadors to Azerbaijan had met the head of the OSCE Baku office, Peter Burhard. As a result, they have suggested that the 'first meeting' between the government and the opposition be held in the following bilateral format: the chairmen of the eight political parties, both government and opposition, that have gained over one per cent of vote on one side.
The Presidential Administration officials and experts from the EU Venice Commission on human rights are suggested to participate as observers.ЁAccording to Etibar Mammadov the 'first meeting' aims to define and approve the principles, format and working plan of the joint working commission to be set up. He added that the Presidential Administration had agreed on this format of the meeting.

Opposition to ignore OSCE meeting
Head of the OSCE Baku office Peter Burhard has called the leaders of political parties for holding a meeting on the establishment of the joint working commission on January 23.
Having discussed the suggestion in its meeting on Wednesday, the Coordinating Center of the Opposition (CCO) decided not to take part in the meeting as its participants are still to be known. A relevant letter has been sent to Peter Burhard.
Besides, the CCO ruled that political parties discuss the issue on continuing widespread actions to achieve the free and just elections.

National Democratic Forces’ Union established
In a news conference at the Baku Press Club on Friday, the Takamul (Evolution) Party, the People's Front Party (unionists) and the Liberal-Democratic Party stated that they had been unified within a new political bloc, the National Democratic Forces Union (NDFU).
The objective of the new organization is to achieve cohesion in struggle for eliminating negative cases in the country, resolving the Upper Qarabag conflict in lieu of national interests and international norms, rehabilitating the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.
In the conference, People's Front Party leader Qudrat Hasanquliyev pointed out that he would appeal to the court as the withdrawal of the party's registration was unlawful.
It was noted that the NDFU would rally to protest at the unsuccessful work of the OSCE Minsk Group.


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